State Pension Deferral
The option to put off claiming the State Pension in return for a higher amount has been part of the system since 1948. Initially, increments were based on the number of flat-rate contributions paid during the period of deferment. However, since April 1975, they have been calculated as a percentage of the basic State Pension […]
Independent Review of the State Pension Age
You will find the link to the Independent Review of the State Pension Age Report below: Interim report of an independent review of State Pension Age Oct 2016
The 2016 State Pension: contracted out? have produced a new factsheet about those in Contracted Out schemes and the 2016 State Pension. Use the link below to view the factsheet: ‘New State Pension – if you’re contracted-out of additional State Pension fact sheet’ Jul 2015
Topping up your State Pension
Use this link for a guidance document produced by Royal London. It does not constitute financial advice: The Royal London State Pension Guide ‘Topping up your State Pension’ 2016
Inheriting additional State Pension
Looks at provisions for inheriting additional State Pension and transitional arrangements following the introduction of the new State Pension in April 2016. A new State Pension (nSP) was introduced on 6 April 2016, for people reaching State Pension age on or after that date. The Coalition Government said it intended people to qualify on the basis […]
New State Pension Update 22nd June 2016
In its 27 March 2016 report the Work and Pensions Committee found widespread confusion over the impact of the New State Pension, just weeks before its introduction, with many people left “unprepared and confused”. It concluded that communication of such important changes should never have been left to a general awareness campaign. In response, the […]
Pension Credit
Use the link to access a collection of advice, guidance, facts and posters to help older people understand how they could get Pension Credit: Pension credit tool kit Use the link to view a factsheet which answers questions about Pension Credit and explains changes that are happening from 6 April 2016: Pension credit factsheet
Benefit and Pension Rates Leaflet
The Benefit and Pension Rates leaflet has now been published on GOV.UK. The leaflet also explains some rules on extra amounts payable for dependents and how income and savings can affect entitlement to certain benefits.
The Impact of State Pension Reforms
The National Audit Office has produced a report which identifies the impact of state pension reforms on people with guaranteed minimum pensions. The report finds that the impact of these reforms on people with Guaranteed Minimum Pensions will “vary widely”, but the group most negatively affected by the new state pension will be those who […]
Campaign For Fairness In State Pension Overseas – International Consortium Of British Pensioners
Many of you may know that pensioners from the UK who emigrate have their State Pension entitlement frozen in most countries outside the EU. The International Consortium of British Pensioners is fighting for fairness for all British pensioners, who choose to live abroad, seeking that their pensions be index linked. Currently they are interested in […]