Topping up your State Pension
Use this link for a guidance document produced by Royal London. It does not constitute financial advice: The Royal London State Pension Guide ‘Topping up your State Pension’ 2016
Reductions In Inherited SERPS
Use the link below to view the full research report that looks at reductions in inherited SERPS, legislated for in 1986, originally intended to be introduced from April 2000, but delayed following a campaign around inadequate publicity. A separate note: CPB-07631 “Inheriting additional State Pension” provides more general overview of the provisions both in the old […]
Inheriting additional State Pension
Looks at provisions for inheriting additional State Pension and transitional arrangements following the introduction of the new State Pension in April 2016. A new State Pension (nSP) was introduced on 6 April 2016, for people reaching State Pension age on or after that date. The Coalition Government said it intended people to qualify on the basis […]
Commutation Factor dispute – latest news
Use the link to view a Commutation factor Q & A document received from the Police Pensions Team at the Home Office: Home Office Police Pensions team Q & A for Administrators
Pension Credit
Use the link to access a collection of advice, guidance, facts and posters to help older people understand how they could get Pension Credit: Pension credit tool kit Use the link to view a factsheet which answers questions about Pension Credit and explains changes that are happening from 6 April 2016: Pension credit factsheet
Benefit and Pension Rates Leaflet
The Benefit and Pension Rates leaflet has now been published on GOV.UK. The leaflet also explains some rules on extra amounts payable for dependents and how income and savings can affect entitlement to certain benefits.
Spanish taxation rules and Pensions
Double taxation The UK and Spain have had a Double Taxation Convention for some time. Rules covering income tax and other taxes came into effect on January 1 and April 6, 2015. Government service pensions paid to retired members of the fire service, police, civil servants, armed forces and local authorities are exempt from Spanish […]
Campaign For Fairness In State Pension Overseas – International Consortium Of British Pensioners
Many of you may know that pensioners from the UK who emigrate have their State Pension entitlement frozen in most countries outside the EU. The International Consortium of British Pensioners is fighting for fairness for all British pensioners, who choose to live abroad, seeking that their pensions be index linked. Currently they are interested in […]
Other Pension Groups Publications and Updates
Use these links for other pension group publications and updates: Civil Service Pensioners Alliance National Pensioners Convention
Commutation Factors – further advice
Following the Pension Ombudsman determination in Milne v GAD we have had several queries from members around various associated issues particularly in relation to the interest payable and the amount of commutation taken at the time of retirement. As a result of those queries we have taken further legal advice on the matters. Use the […]