NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

McCloud and Sargeant -pre-2015 public service pension schemes

Following the Supreme Court’s refusal of the government’s application for permission to appeal the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice v McCloud and Secretary of State for the Home Department v Sargeant [2018] EWCA Civ 2844, a provisional hearing was listed at the Employment Tribunal for 18 December 2019 […]

Police Mutual Update

Please find below update from Kerry McMahon-White Head of Police Mutual As one of our key strategic partners, I would like to share an important update with you about the next phase of growth and development for Police Mutual. By way of background, in 2020 Police Mutual Assurance Society (PMAS) became part of the Royal […]

CPI increase and Police Pensions

  September 2023 The ONS published the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for September 2023 and this stands at 6.7%. Full details can be found on the ONS website Public service pensions in payment are increased each April in line with prices, measured according to the annual increase in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) to September of […]

Police Covenant

Update 25th May 2023 Police Covenant Annual Report has been published and within it there are three new Priorities for  2023/24 which have been agreed by the Oversight Board: • Identify and implement a package of measures for individuals who have left the police workforce; • Scope the current support in place in relation to […]

Data protection claims against PFEW

In March 2019, the Police Federation (PFEW) was subject to a Cyber Attack and emails were circulated by NARPO to Branches on behalf of the PFEW. There was also information circulated on the NARPO website Police Federation of England and Wales Malware Attack Following a High Court case on 13th March 2023, please see the […]

GMP Equalisation

When the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS) was introduced in April 1978, it was possible to contract-out of it into an occupational pension scheme. A condition of it being used to contract-out was that the scheme provided a defined benefit (known as a GMP). The requirement to provide a GMP was removed from April 1997 […]

Widows/Widowers Pension For Life – 21st December 2022

Survivors shouldn’t have to choose between financial security and happiness. We need a UK-wide policy that mirrors Northern Ireland’s, ensuring that those that remarry or cohabit after the loss of their loved one retain their pensions in full, regardless of circumstance. Further information about the campaign is contained in these leaflets: Widows Pension for Life  and […]

NARPO Villas – 9th November 2022

I have been in email contact with Lord Wolf who owns the Villa Scylla properties in Italy and also Villa Endymion in the Netherlands. Over recent years, NARPO Members have been given the opportunity to stay at these properties due to Lord Wolf’s generosity. The current situation is that the Villa Scylla properties are in […]

NARPO Conference 2022 – 10th September 2022

Following the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II a decision was made by the NEC to cancel NARPO Conference. Members and guests of NARPO came together on Friday morning to pay their respects and exchange memories of Her Majesty. The next Conference will be on Friday 8th September 2023 at Blackpool The Motions for this […]

Police Care UK launch Ill Health Retirement Commitment – 2nd September 2022

Police Care UK has launched the Ill Health Retirement Commitment in response to feedback collected as part of the Injury on Duty research. Respondents who went through ill health retirement reported finding the support they needed difficult or non-existent whilst others talked about the lengthy assessment and decision-making process that had left them feeling isolated and […]