NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Centenary merchandise

To celebrate our centenary year we produced a number of limited edition items available to purchase. These include a centenary coin, tie and ladies’ scarf, which both feature the 100 year NARPO logo. Click here to access the online centenary shop.

Deductibility of Incapacity Benefit and Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit

NARPO Branch Circular 20/19 relates to the above subject concerning the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Evans & Ashcroft v Chief Constable of South Wales Police that will affect injury retired officers who may have had their injury pensions over-deducted since 2010. Constabularies have an obligation to take steps to refund the […]

Centenary celebrations

On Thursday 13th June, a special celebratory dinner was held at the Tower of London to mark NARPO’s 100 year anniversary.  We were honoured to be joined by HRH The Princess Royal, who is our patron during our centenary year. Over 500 guests from branches across the country also attended the dinner, enjoying a drinks […]

Free TV Licences for over 75’s

On 8th May in the House of Commons an opposition day debate took place on free TV licences for over 75s. The motion was – “That this House calls on the Government to honour the Conservative party’s 2017 manifesto promise to maintain free TV licences for the over-75s for the duration of this Parliament by […]

Delayed Social Care Green Paper

Later Life Ambitions are deeply concerned that the Government has again delayed the publication of the Social Care Green Paper – their plan for fixing the sector. Adult social care cannot wait any longer. It demands a long-term strategy that resolves the significant funding challenges facing the sector and helps prepare it for an ageing […]

Police Federation of England and Wales Malware Attack

Please see the below from PFEW- At approximately 2.45pm on 21 March 2019, the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) was subjected to a multi-pronged, sustained cyber-attack. This was following an initial attack on PFEW systems on 9 March. Early indications show that the attack was different from the first and has affected the […]

Later Life Ambitions response to TV licence funding

NARPO, along with our Later Life Ambitions partners, has written to the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, to urge the government to continue funding the TV licence concession for over-75s. Last year the BBC launched a consultation about how to fund the TV licence fee for over 75s. Free TV licences […]

Brexit and Older People

After months of domestic political differences and negotiations with the EU, Brexit continues to dominate British politics. The long-term effect of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU remains unclear and much needs to be agreed before the future implications of Brexit can be fully understood. The government suffered a momentous defeat over the EU Withdrawal […]