NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

The NARPO National Executive Committee recently agreed that we should take legal advice to ascertain if there was a claim in law to challenge the archaic Regulation surrounding this matter. As a result, we have consulted with solicitors and a leading Human Rights Barrister who is of the opinion that we have a sound case to pursue the matter under the Human Rights Act. And the right to fair proceedings under Article 6, the protection of property under Article 1 Protocol 1 and the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life under Article 8.

We are now in the process of gathering as much information as we can both from those widows, widowers and families of those who have been affected by this Regulation and have compiled questionnaires for members to complete and return to our Solicitors. Once all the evidence and information has been assessed and relevant witness statements obtained, the next step will be to formulate a Protocol letter of Claim and send it to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State will then make a formal letter of response to our Solicitors and at that stage we will review prospects and consider whether formal proceedings can and should be commenced at Court.

We are pleased to say that the Police Federation have now joined us in this legal action and will add their weight behind the argument.

At some point surely the Government will see that this Regulation is outdated and that ALL police widows and widowers throughout the United Kingdom should have the right to retain their pension and retain their dignity without having to make that difficult and almost impossible choice.

We will continue to pursue this matter to obtain parity for police widows and widowers throughout the United Kingdom.

To find out more about how this unfair Regulation is affecting widows and their families today watch our video here.