NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Later Life Ambitions launch General Election Toolkit

Later Life Ambitions brings together the collective voices of over a quarter of a million pensioners through the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners, the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance, and us the National Association of Retired Police Officers. As a collective, we have ambitious aspirations for the next generation of pensioners. From fair pensions to safe […]

Civil Partnership (Opposite-sex Couples) Regulations 2019

Provisions are made to allow two individuals who are not of the same sex to form a civil partnership in England and Wales. This instrument provides in the main for an opposite-sex couple who form a civil partnership to be treated in law in the same way as a same sex couple who are in […]

September CPI Published

The ONS have now published the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for September 2020 and this stands at 0.5% Full details can be found on the ONS website

Pensions for Life Campaign Update

The NARPO National Executive Committee recently agreed that we should take legal advice to ascertain if there was a claim in law to challenge the archaic Regulation surrounding this matter. As a result, we have consulted with solicitors and a leading Human Rights Barrister who is of the opinion that we have a sound case […]

Women Against State Pension Inequality

​We are a campaign group that fights the injustice done to women born in the 1950s (on or after 6 April 1951) regarding the changes to their state pension age. The 1995 Conservative Government’s Pension Act included plans to increase women’s SPA (State Pension Age) to 65, the same as men’s. WASPI agrees with equalisation, but […]

NARPO Conference 2019

The 2019 NARPO conference took place on Friday 6th September in Southport. The theme for this year’s conference was 100 years of safeguarding members’ rights, wellbeing and pensions. Our conference is an important event in our calendar and never more so than in our 100th year. It is an opportunity for branches to come together […]

Pension Scams

This briefing paper provides information on how to spot pension scams and aims to answer some of the frequently asked questions on which constituents ask for help with from their MPs. It does not provide legal or financial advice. Where can I get pensions advice? You can check the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) register of […]

Letters from Pension Administrators regarding ESA and Relevant Benefits

We are aware that Pension Administrators have sent letters to Members regarding Employment Support Allowance (ESA)  and Relevant Deductible Benefits. It asks the person to complete a questionnaire and requests to consent for the DWP to disclose information to the Pension Administrator. If, as a result of an injury on duty, you are permanently disabled […]

Government responds to Lords Select Committee on Intergenerational Fairness

The government has responded to the House of Lords Select Committee on Intergenerational Fairness regarding its report on ‘Tackling intergenerational unfairness’. In relation to pensions, the government rejected the recommendation that the triple lock for the State Pension should be removed and that the State Pension should be uprated in line with average earnings to […]