NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Recent Court of Appeal Decision On Overtime And Recall To Duty

A recent court decision has come to NARPO’s attention that may be applicable to some retired officers. The decision arises from claims brought by three ex-police officers against the Chief Constable of Devon & Cornwall for failure to pay a statutory debt in respect of overtime payments they were due under the 2003 Regulations. It […]

Forced A19 Retirements ‘lawful’, Rules Court of Appeal

Officers have lost an appeal against the decision to force them to retire under controversial cost-cutting plans. More than 1,300 officers with 30 years’ service were made to retire when forces began applying Regulation A19 in 2010. A 2014 Employment Tribunal found that its use by five forces amounted to indirect discrimination, but this judgment […]

NARPO Comment On Policing And Crime Bill And The Possibility Of An Orgreave Inquiry

Commenting on the powers contained within the new Policing and Crime Bill where officers subject to a misconduct allegation within 12 months of resigning or retiring would be liable to face disciplinary proceedings Steve Edwards Chief Executive of NARPO said: “There seems to be in our view a huge misconception that somehow Police Officers can […]

NARPO Response To The Hillsborough Inquest Verdicts

Throughout this enquiry NARPO both nationally and locally in South Yorkshire have encouraged our members to assist in the process and we are extremely grateful to those members that volunteered to participate in this long process, some of them despite their age and failing health. Without the participation of those retired officers these proceedings would […]

NARPOnews May 2017

Click on the link to download the magazine. NARPO News Magazine May 2017

Later Life Ambitions Responds To The Latest ILC Report, Flexible and Affordable Methods Of Paying for Long Term Care Insurance

A recent report from the International Longevity Centre’s (ILC-UK) –  a think tank that specialises in longevity and demographic change –  explores different methods of funding long term care insurance. Later Life Ambitions welcomes this focus on exploring innovative options for funding long term care, as we have been calling for a sustainable model of social […]

Later Life Ambitions Says That Government Must Do More To Increase Confidence In Occupational Pensions

Tuesday 21 February 2017 The Government has published a Green Paper on Defined Benefit Pension Schemes, entitled Security and Sustainability in Defined Benefit Pension Schemes. The Paper outlines proposals for reform in four key areas – funding and investment, scheme affordability, member protection and consolidation. In the Paper the Government recognises Defined Benefit (DB) schemes are […]