NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Making the NHS work best for you

  Later Life Ambitions are running the survey, ‘Making the NHS work best for you’, to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS and understand the views of our members on this hugely important national institution. The survey asks a range of questions relating to members’ experiences of the NHS, as well as how new […]

Social Care Green Paper

Later Life Ambitions has been a vocal supporter of a renewed approach to funding social care, which will help resolve the considerable issues facing the sector today. This is why we are asking our members to write to their local MP, ahead of the publication of the Green Paper in order to generate support for […]

A New Generational Contract

  The intergenerational contract is an important feature of a well-functioning society. In practice, it means that the experience of each generation should be fair, whether it be access to care, career opportunities, benefits, pensions or a place to call home. The comparative experiences of two generations – the baby boomers (born 1946 – 65) […]

Social Care Green Paper Engagement Toolkit

Many of us will require some level of care when we get older, and there is a growing number of people spending their later lives unwell. By 2030 the number of older disabled people is expected to double. In response to existing challenges in the social care system, the government has announced that it will […]

Response to the joint inquiry in the long-term funding of adult social care

Working with our partners at Later Life Ambitions, we have submitted a written response to the joint inquiry by the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee and the Health Committee into the long-term funding of adult social care. Our response incorporates the results of the online survey, which was issued to members of Later Life Ambitions,  […]

Employment Support Allowance and Injury Awards Latest

An important change to the Police [Injury Benefit] Regulations 2006 that was made via Statutory Instrument on 2nd  March 2018. The PIBR have been amended and this amendment rectifies the situation created via the previous amendment which made ESA deductible from an injury award in any circumstances, even if for a different illness/injury than the […]

Communities and Local Government Select Committee recommends new national strategy for older people’s housing

The influential Communities and Local Government Select Committee has published a report  following their inquiry into housing and older people. The Committee’s final report, which featured evidence from Later Life Ambitions (LLA) throughout, recommends that a national strategy for older people’s housing is needed to bring together and improve policy in this area. The Committee also agreed with […]

Claim a power of attorney refund

You can get part of your application fee back if you applied to register a power attorney from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2017. This applies to lasting powers of attorney (LPA) and enduring powers of attorney (EPA). You can only claim a refund if you made the power of attorney in England or […]

Were you a serving officer in 1972 or 1990?

If so you will have been given the opportunity to uprate your widow[er] pension. We have recently been made aware of an issue in relation to the inadequate retention of important pension records around the election made by Officers in 1972, when an option was given to uprate their widows pension entitlement from a third […]