NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Death of Past President and NEC member

DEATH OF NEC MEMBER AND PAST PRESIDENT – BRIAN BURDUS It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Brian Burdus who died yesterday afternoon following a period of illness. Brian joined the Nottingham City Police in 1966 as a Cadet and undertook uniform duties for almost forty years. Like many, […]

Important Update: Widows and Widowers Pensions Drop-In Event Postponed

Following consultation with our Parliamentary Advisors, it is with regret that we have made the difficult decision to postpone the upcoming Drop-In event at Westminster scheduled for May 7th. The sponsoring MP, Gill Furniss, will unfortunately be unavailable on the scheduled date. Additionally, many other MPs are facing constraints due to a combination of factors, […]

Widows and Widowers Campaign and Drop In

As part of our ongoing work around the survivor pension campaign, please click the link below for editable letter/ email templates, one an invitation to MP’s to attend the Drop In on 7th May, and the other, to send to MP’s to raise awareness of the issue. Survivors’ pensions drop-in invitation letter NARPO Members letter […]

NARPO Members Letter to MP: Police Covenant

As part of our ongoing work around the Police Covenant please click the link below for a letter/ email template for sending to MP’s. NARPO member to MP POLICE COVENANT We are encouraging Members to use the templates to contact their MP’s to support the campaign in advance of us attending the Oversight Board meeting […]

The Elizabeth Emblem: Fallen officers to receive State recognition

Article from Police Federation of England & Wales ( The ‘Medals for Heroes’ campaign was launched two years ago by PFEW, alongside the father of Greater Manchester Police officer Nicola Hughes who was ambushed and killed along with her colleague Fiona Bone in 2012. Beside PFEW, Bryn led the calls for the introduction of formal […]

Public Service pensions will rise by 6.7% from 8 April 2024

Public service pensions which have been in payment for a year will be increased by 6.7% from 8 April 2024 in line with the September-to-September increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Any pension which has been in payment for less than a year will be increased by a proportionate amount depending on the number […]

Important Police Mutual Update

 As a valued Police Mutual supporter, I am are delighted to share that we have today completed on the sale of Police Mutual’s general insurance and healthcare business to Bspoke Insurance Group Limited (Bspoke Group). The move helps protect the long-term future of Police Mutual, so that it can invest and grow to better serve […]

Transitioning into Retirement Survey

Transitioning into Retirement Survey NARPO is excited to launch our first Transitioning into Retirement survey. This survey aims to gather valuable insights to shape the support available to those transitioning from the police service, as well as those already enjoying life after leaving the force. With the introduction of the Police Covenant, which emphasises the […]

Election Toolkit from CSPA

How you can make a difference – CSPA While we don’t know when it will happen (the best bet is in the Autumn) we do know that 2024 will be an election year.  Whether that will result in a change of government is yet to be seen, but what an election does do is give […]

McCloud and Sargeant -pre-2015 public service pension schemes

Following the Supreme Court’s refusal of the government’s application for permission to appeal the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice v McCloud and Secretary of State for the Home Department v Sargeant [2018] EWCA Civ 2844, a provisional hearing was listed at the Employment Tribunal for 18 December 2019 […]