NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Injury Awards and DWP Benefits

We are aware that the Home Office has requested Police Pension Administrators to send a letter out to all retired officers in receipt of an injury award to request details of any DWP benefits they may be in receipt of. This information is a requirement of The Police [Injury Benefit] Regulations 2006 and is used, […]

Latest Case Clarifies The Use Of Regulation 32(2)

A recent decision in the case of HAWORTH has confirmed that there is no ‘time limit’ in relation to a request for a reconsideration of an injury award decision and that Police Authorities should give due cognisance of the merits of the request before deciding not to agree such a request on merely time delay […]

Judgement in Simpson Case Handed Down

His Honour Mr Justice Supperstone has ruled that there is no statutory basis in the Police [Injury Benefit] Regulations to support a different approach to a Regulation 37 review at different ages. Use the link to view the full judgement. Court decision confirms guidance contained in Home Office circular 46/2004 is not in accordance with […]

Pension Ombudsman Decision

A recent Ombudsman decision in the case of Sharp has further reinforced the fact that those aged 65 years or over cannot be ‘automatically’ reduced to the lowest Band on the assumption that they no longer have an earning capacity, as suggested in HOC 46/2004. The Ombudsman also determined that Mr Sharp’s request for a […]

Injury Award already reviewed and reduced?

If your injury award has already been reviewed and subsequently reduced and you believe it has been done outside the regulations and relevant case law then you can request a further review. Use the links for our recommendations on the next course of action to take next including a draft letter which you can complete and […]