NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Boskovic v Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police

In the case of Boskovic v Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police (April 2019) [2019] EWCA Civ 676 The issue arising on this appeal is whether the judge at first instance was wrong to find that the Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police acted lawfully in refusing to exercise the power under regulation 32(2) of the Police […]

McLoughlin v The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire

In McLOUGHLIN v The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire (April 2019), the judge tackled the limitation considerations, finding that the claim for an increased injury pension was not statute barred in that time only began to run when the original medical opinion of 1984 was substituted for a medical opinion produced some 34 years later. […]

Ayre Pension Ombudsman determination

Read the determination here: Pensions Ombudsman determination to Hymberside Police Authority of applicant Mr R T Ayre – Police Injury Benefit Scheme


Read the judgement here: Judgement in the case of Belinda Laws v The Police Medical Appeals Board 2009

Pollard V PMAB & West Yorkshire

Read the precis here: Precis of Pollard V PMAB Feb 2009 ‘Pollard and the effect on Injury Award Reviews’ Read the full judgement here: Judgement in the case of Pollard V Police Medical Appeal Board and West Yorkshire Police Authority Feb 2009