Police Pension and index linking
Police Pensions are currently index linked from age 55yrs and are increased in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Pensions are uprated each April and the level of increase is determined by CPI in September of the preceding year. Use the links for details of the applicable increases: How index linking works Inflation and price […]
Injury Award Reviews
We are aware that some Forces are currently conducting Injury Award Reviews under Regulation 37 Police [Injury Benefit] Regulations 2006. FISHER v Northumbria case reinforces previous case law when determining the ‘uninjured’ earnings capacity, when carrying out a review under Regulation 37; and we would remind members of the TURNER case, which concluded that: The […]
Pensions and divorce
Pensions and divorce is a complex area and it is advisable to seek expert legal advice. Please use the links for useful documents on this subject: Police Pensions on divorce Pension Sharing Transfer Values A Guide to the Treatment of Pensions on Divorce The PAG Report and Treatment of Police Pensions upon Divorce Home Office […]
New State Pension and Contracting Out
As Police Officers you were ‘contracted out’ of the State Second Pension and only paid class 2 NI contributions. As a result you may not have the required 35 years to qualify for the New State Pension. Use the links below for new Single Tier State Pension information: Your State Pension Statement Explained Check your State […]
Survivor Pension information
1987 Police Pension Scheme Adult survivors under the 1987 Police Pension Scheme include widows, widowers and civil partners but not cohabitees who were not married or in a civil partnership. See the 1987 Police Pension Guide and 1987 Police Pension Regulations for more information Since 5 December 2005, same sex couples have been able to have their […]
Find your Pension Administrator
Use this link to find your Pension Administrator: Index of pension administrator contacts Please note this link is a GOV.UK website You may find some of the Pension Administrators have changed. Update 16th October 2020 XPS have changed their telephone number to 01642 030692 E-mail Address: penmail@xpsgroup.com Website: https://www.myownpension.co.uk
Guaranteed Minimum Pension
A guide to the contracted out payment equivalent (COPE), and guaranteed minimum pension (GMP) This guide explains briefly what GMP is and how it affects the amount of pension you are paid. It is not intended to provide an in-depth explanation of GMP. GMP – Leaflet officers At State Pension age, although the Police Scheme […]
Taxation of Pension Entitlement following re-employment
The question of taxation of pension benefits in some circumstances following re-employment is proving a difficult subject to resolve. Also, see the Pensions Ombudsman determinations on tax liabilities on re-employment- Pensions Ombudsman determination in the case of Mr R and Additional Applicants and Avon and Somerset PCC and Chief Constable and Additional Respondent, Chief Constable […]
1987 Pension Scheme guide
Find the guide here: The Police Pension Scheme Act 1987
Amendments to 1987 Pension Regulations
Find the full list of amendments here.