NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers


Later Life Ambitions have had a busy year in 2022. As you will be well aware, a year of volatile politics has meant our campaigning has been more important than ever, ensuring that your voices are heard at the heart of government.

Our primary focus this year has been on the campaign to maintain the triple lock, after the decision during the pandemic to suspend it for one year. Thankfully it was reintroduced, but we have been very disappointed to this issue become a political football in recent months, with doubt being cast on its retention by first Liz Truss and now Rishi Sunak.

We are grateful for the support of the opposition Labour Party, who put down a motion to discuss the triple lock last week and we firmly believe that most MPs are behind this vital policy. We are redoubling our engagement however, including a letter-writing campaign to all Conservative MPs ahead of the Autumn Statement. We have already had a number of positive responses and we look forward to what the Chancellor has to say on 17 November.

Looking ahead, we are working on putting together a Pensioner Manifesto, which will form the basis for our campaigning ahead of the next General Election. For this, we are reaching beyond the LLA partners and talking to other organisations who share our aims and goals. With an election up to 2 years away, this time is vital for us to build a platform and start having conversations with the people who will be making policies for all parties. We will come to you for your input in due course and we look forward to your feedback as we build out policies that work for all the members that LLA represent.

We have challenging times ahead. The LLA team will continue to fight for your rights and entitlements and ensure that your voices are heard across the political sphere.