Write to your MP to sign the EDM on Later Life Ambitions.
This EDM welcomes Later Life Ambitions, a campaign organisation that represents over a quarter of a million pensioners through three partner organisations; the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners, the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance, and the National Association of Retired Police Officers. Template Letter to MP EDM 281 LATER LIFE AMBITIONS
Later Life Ambitions brings together the collective voices of over a quarter of a million pensioners through the National Association of Retired Police Officers ,The National Federation of Occupational Pensioners and the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance. Our members have ambitious aspirations for the next generation of pensioners. From fair pensions to safe and sustainable care services, and from accessible housing to regular bus services to promote independence. We require bold and forward-looking action from our political leaders. With your support, we want to change the terms of the debate – to focus on the ambitions of pensioners rather than the perceived ‘costs’ to the rest of society. So we urge you to join us in calling for an aspirational and ambitious future for those in later life.
Later Life Ambitions Policy Positions
Now the dust had settled on the General Election results, Later Life Ambitions have once again updated our policy positions. This document will form the basis of our planned discussions with Parliamentarians, in an effort to influence the debate and ensure that our voices are heard and older people’s views are taken notice of.