NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Welcome to the website of the WAKEFIELD with PONTEFRACT and DEWSBURY Branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers

About NARPO Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury

The Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury Branch of NARPO currently has 915 members made up of retired police officers and a number of partners of deceased colleagues. Nationally, NARPO has a membership of about 93.000.

Initially, NARPO Wakefield was a standalone branch,, however two years ago (2021), the Wakefield committee were approached by members of the Pontefract branch committee asking to merge the two branches and this was subsequently agreed and the Wakefield with Pontefract branch was formed.

Following the successful merger of Wakefield with Pontefract and finding it more difficult to manage as a viable branch, members of the Dewsbury branch committee approached Wakefield with Pontefract, again asking to merge.

This was subsequently agreed and from 1st April 2023, the Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury branch of NARPO was formed.

Members of the now enlarged branch, have access to all social events and outings, details of these can be found in the members area, under Upcoming events.

Members will need a password to enter the Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury members area.

The password is unique to this branch and branch members only.  It is available upon request via email to

On joining you will find a friendly and supportive body of 'Old Comrades' who  in addition to working towards the objectives of NARPO nationally, aim to give the opportunity of friendship and support amongst the retired officers community, helping people embrace Life, Work and Leisure after the police.


Wakefield Member Files

To access more information about the work of the Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury Branch, details of the Branch Committee, upcoming events etc, please Access below.

HQ War Memorial 2-crop

More about NARPO Wakefield

Your committee (who are volunteers) meet once a month at Hatfeild Hall, Wakefield and discuss matters arising from the previous meeting and also they organise a number of social events throughout the year.

These consist of social evenings held at Sandal Rugby Club during the summer and autumn along with various organised outings, all of which any member of the Wakefield with Pontefract and Dewsbury branch have access to, as a reminder, events are advertised in the branch members area under Upcoming Events.

To finish the year off, a very successful Christmas luncheon is again held at Hatfeild Hall, Wakefield..

Contact Details

Chairman: Ann Lane; 07958513466 email

Vice Chair; Ken Osborne; email

Branch Secretary: Richard Critchley, tel 07831 315150, email

Branch Treasurer: Nick Hunter, tel 07904 154503, email

Web site: Paul McMahon, tel 07849 063101, email