Welcome to NARPO South Devon
About South Devon Branch
South Devon Branch is the smallest in Devon and Cornwall with just over 260 members. Most reside within Torbay and Teignbridge and have served in these areas. However as this is such a beautiful area of the country, we have been pleased to welcome a number of members who completed their service in other Force areas and have since retired to South Devon.
The Branch is keen to encourage members and their spouses/partners to socialise with friends and former colleagues and make new friends through monthly coffee mornings and occasional evening dinner events.
We aim to promote and disseminate the benefits of NARPO membership, provide welfare support wherever possible, and to encourage new members to join.

Further Key Information
We hold monthly coffee mornings at a variety of locations across the Bay usually, (but not always) on the third Thursday of the month.
Dates and locations are published in advance in our local newsletter.
Venues are chosen that provide good food and parking facilities and many of those attending stay on for lunch.
In addition, the Branch holds occasional evening meal events.
Contact Us
Chairman - John Ball
Telephone: 01803 411046
Email: johnball1946@talktalk.net
Secretary/Treasurer - John Woods
Email: southdevon@narpo.org