Welcome to NARPO Dorset
About Dorset Branch.
The branch covers the whole of the county of Dorset and is aligned with the Force area. We try to provide a welfare and social service to our 1000 plus members.
The Association is the voice of retired police officers and its’ primary concern is to promote measures for the welfare of members with particular regard to pensions
Locally we try to encourage members to join us at our many events throughout the year which include four coffee mornings, three social events, a formal Annual General Meeting in March and a Spring and Autumn lunch. Many of our events are subsidised by the Branch.
Most of the communication with members is via email but those members that are not on the internet or email receive the AGM Minutes and Newsletters by post.
During the year you will receive three Newsletters from the Branch Secretary and the quarterly NARPO News magazine from NARPO HQ.
Branch Officials Information
Secretary - Ann Berrisford - dorset@narpo.org
Chairman - Paul Bompas QPM- paulbompas@aol.com
Vice Chairman - Allen Orchard - allen.orchard@narpo.org
Treasurer - George Legg - Dorset Branch Treasurer
Welfare Officers
- Jan O’Mara – 01305 848551 – omara062@btinternet.com
- Phil Coward – 01202 876387 – narpobournemouthwelfare@gmail.com
Social Sec - Denise Robertson – 01202 603601 – d.robertson162@hotmail.co.uk
Chaplain - Allen Knott – sarumrdr@gmail.com