NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Welcome to the Cambridgeshire branch page. Our previous website has now been closed down and our content is below.

About Cambridgeshire Branch

With an active branch committee, we cover the entire county, with Northern and Southern branches combining with the force area. The main cities of Cambridge, Ely and Peterborough plus smaller towns and numerous villages combine for some picturesque areas of a growing county. The University City of Cambridge, historic Peterborough, Huntingdon, the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell, Ely and the vast area of “The Fens” feature.

Our branch website has now been closed down. Our content is here on this site.

Some of the content is password protected. Password details will be in the CNN or request via email website admin. email address can also be found on the bottom of our circulations.

Please be patient as the pages take time to load.

Please see below details of Lyndsay and Kieran's travel company, they will be more than willing to help you along with your holiday plans.

Local Coffee Mornings

Our regular and well supported coffee mornings are held at

Peterborough, St. Ives and Girton. Join us for free coffee & cake, with the option of a 2 or 3 course meal at the Girton meetings.

These must be booked in advance


Full details are on the website and are circulated regularly via email.

Peterborough - Every 2nd Wednesday at Peterborough Milton golf club 10.30 am - Organiser Alan Paul

Next meetings 5th March

St. Ives - Every 3rd Thursday Golden Lion PH 10.30 am - Organiser Tony Beeton

Next meetings  20th Feb, 20th March

Girton - Every 1st Thursday Abbeyfield Girton 10.30 am - Organiser Maurice Murden. Next meetings -  6th March.
The next coffee morning  will be held at Abbeyfield Girton on Thursday 6th March. Coffee and cake from 10.30 am to 12 md lunch  menu from 12.30pm
Lunch menu   Two courses £19.50. Three courses  £22.50
Soup tomato and basil with crusty bread
Prawn cocktail with brown bread
Home made smooth chicken and liver pate
Braised beef brisket with Guinness onion chip potatoes greens roasted vegetables  Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Roast  belly of Pork with vegetables and potatoes
Veggie. Lentil cottage pie with above vegetables
White chocolate and raspberry brûlée with shortbread
Jam Roly poly with custard
Fruit salad

Look forward to seeing on the 6th

You need to book your place before the 28th February - See contact details below (further key information) for booking
Maurice Murden

Maurice Murden.

Branch - Cambridgeshire - Image 2

Further Key Information

Communication with around 900 members in the county and around the world is mainly by quarterly newsletter and email.

Locally we encourage members to join coffee mornings at St. Ives, Peterborough and Girton, lunch meetings.

We have a primary aim to help our members with welfare support. Links with the force welfare fund committee, coordinate a Christmas function for all retired officers over 70. Currently 2 welfare officers/members supported by more local “Post code reps” serve our members.

Contact Us

Secretary: Martin Gregory

Acting Chairman: Tony Beeton 

Assistant Secretary/website: Chris Bradley

If you wish to contact committee please view our committee details under further key information or see CNN