NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

New Venue for 2024 Lichfield Meetings

Lichfield Sub-Branch of Narpo will be moving to new premises for their future meetings in 2024.
The meetings will now take place at Burntwood Rugby Club, The Sportsway, Burntwood, Staffs. WS7 3PH.
The first meeting, and AGM will take place on Monday, 22nd. January, 7:00pm. for 7:30pm. start.
In an effort to attract new members, we will be providing a buffet at each meeting, due to the generosity of Staffordshire Branch providing extra funding.

The other meeting dates for 2024 are as follows:-

25th March, 2024.
20th May, 2024 (a week earlier due to the Bank Holiday).
22nd July, 2024 (Summer Buffet).
23rd September, 2024, and
25th November, 2024.

The Committee do hope that younger retirees will make the effort to attend a meeting.

It is hoped to hold a Christmas Lunch in December of 2024.


Linda Hicken
Sub Branch Secretary.