Wellbeing Guide from Police Mutual Financial Worries in Retirement
We all know that to look after our wellbeing, it’s important to eat and drink well, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, spend quality time with friends and family and do things we enjoy. However, what is missing from this list and can make a great difference
to our overall well-being, is our finances.
Not everyone is financially comfortable in their retirement. Not having sufficient funds in retirement can contribute to feelings of social isolation and loneliness. Money is often seen as a taboo subject but talking openly about money is beneficial to us all and important for our health, wealth and relationships. The way we manage our finances can have a direct impact on our lives. For example, it can be difficult to sleep if we’re struggling with money and feeling overwhelmed and stressed as a result. Your financial well-being is just as important as your physical and mental well-being, so it’s important to find time to effectively manage your money. Money worries are not just a financial problem they can cause relationships to end, people to lose homes and families to break down. People from all walks of life can end up in debt for many different reasons, divorce, redundancy, ill health, and bereavement. It’s not always easy to talk about money worries but if
you’re struggling financially it’s important to take action. If you’re worrying about money there are things that you can do to get your finances back on track. You may feel that you don’t know where to start, but retirement is the perfect opportunity to review your financial situation.
To read more from this well being guide click HERE