Warwickshire Branch
Warwickshire Branch
Welcome to the website for the Warwickshire branch of NARPO.
NARPO exists to safeguard the rights of members and promote measures for their welfare with particular reference to pensions. We hope this website provides a useful source of information to current and prospective members.
NARPO members can access information and guidance on pensions, investment and legal advice, discounted holidays or job vacancies plus details of various organisations and companies who offer discounts on goods and services such as insurance for vehicles, house and contents, business or travel.
We hope the site meets the needs of our current and potential Branch members. It has links to other NARPO websites plus the Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Police Federation websites.
Information on the national NARPO site will not normally be duplicated on our local site. The more complex information such as issues affecting pensions, or ‘Injury on Duty’ awards changes regularly so efficient duplication would not be practical.
Within the “closed” members only part of the site we currently include, minutes of meetings, galleries of photos, welfare information, obituaries, local jobs and volunteering opportunities, social events and useful diary dates.
Members can request to post an item on the site via the Branch Secretary
Our Branch has a membership of just over 800 members which is approximately half of current Warwickshire police pensioners. Additional eligible members are very welcome. Our membership includes those who live in and around the County plus others from further afield; some reside overseas, and some have served in other forces before moving to our area or re-joining their “home” force branch after retirement.
We have a welfare team which can offer advice and support if required and links to professional support networks. We hold quarterly meetings – primarily aimed as social events with a free buffet meal provided. These are held at venues that rotate between the north and south of the county and regularly attract attendance of 80+ members.
We have a private Facebook Group for those who are interested in keeping in touch on social media
Full Membership is open to all former police officers who are entitled to receive a police pension, their widows, partners and spouses.
If you do not meet all these requirements you may still be eligible to become an Associate Member – this entitles you to all services and benefits but precludes the member being a branch official or annual conference delegate.
Please note we don’t allow those dismissed from the service or required to resign to be members in any capacity.
I hope you find this website enhances the benefits you get from NARPO membership.
Mark Jones
Warwickshire Branch Chair