The first meeting, and AGM of 2024 took place on Monday, 22nd January at our new venue Burntwood Rugby Club, The Sportsway, Burntwood, WS7 3PH.
They have made us very welcome, and we have a room upstairs, there is a lift, a bar, and toilets including a Disabled Toilet on the same level. They also have a Catering Manager, who will provide buffets, or we can do our own as we have done in the past.
We have been allocated a sum of money by Branch to spend on members, with this in mind we are having a buffet at the March, and May meetings as we did at the January meeting.
This is in the hope that this will attract younger members to our meetings, we can but hope. Also another idea put forward was to Email the previous meeting’s minutes to the members prior to the meeting, giving more time for socialising.
Please come along and swell our numbers, Narpo is there to look after you in your retirement, we are also welfare minded, and have our own Welfare Officer to help in anyway we can, especially those with no family nearby.
At the AGM, Brian Williams was re-elected as Chairman, Linda Hicken as Secretary, and Jim Phillips as Treasurer and Welfare Officer.
Dates of our forthcoming meetings can be found on the Staffordshire Member Area, Calendar of Meetings. Our next meeting is on Monday, 25th. March, 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm.