NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Injury on Duty (IOD)

Injury on Duty Awards Review by Staffordshire Police

A fuller guide and sources of advice is available on the National NARPO website

Pension Board Update from 13 March 2024

Summary of Reviews (Page 1)  —   Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update from 9 August 2023

Summary of Reviews (Page 1)   —  Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update from 2 February 2023

Summary of Reviews (Page 1) — Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update from 6 September 2022

Summary of Reviews (Page 1)

Pension Board Update from 11 February 2022

Summary of Reviews (Page 1) — Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update 16 November 2021

Summary of Reviews (Page 1) — Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update 29 April 2021

File unavailable

Pension Board Update from 3 November 2020

Summary of Reviews (Page 1) — Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Judicial Review Decision 16th September 2020

The Judicial Review in respect of the challenges against Staffordshire Police in respect of the IOD officers was heard at the Birmingham Administrative Court on 16th of September 2020.
Staffordshire Police has been successful in defending its position against the challenges made by Injury on Duty Award recipients against Regulation 33 and the Staffordshire Agreement of 2008.

Regards Mark Judson [Chairman of Staffordshire NARPO.]

Pension Board Update 29 April 2020

Pension Board Report of discussions 29 April 2020

Pension Board Meeting 29 January 2020

1. No specific update on the current situation with IOD Reviews. The Force will publish the 6 monthly summary in April 2020.
2. I was asked to raise the case of Evan’s and Another v South Wales Police, concerning deductions from IOD pensions. It was suggested that until the matter of the calculation of deductions by XPS was resolved by March/April 2020, that the Force might stop relevant deductions currently taking place. The Force rejected this suggestion stating that it would complicate the issue further.
Regards, Mark Judson [Chairman of Staffordshire NARPO]

Pension Board Update from 19 September 2019

Summary of Reviews (Page 1)   —  Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Update from 27 February 2019

Summary of Reviews (Page 1)   —  Summary of Reviews (Page 2)

Pension Board Meeting 19 December 2018

On the 18/12/2018, following a challenge by the IOD’s solicitors the solicitors for the Chief Constable Gareth Morgan reversed the decision to reduce the monetary aspect of the bandings of the 17 IOD pensioners.
Stating “ That the letters that they were sent did not sufficiently explain the reasons for the decisions. Further, the decisions should not in the circumstances have had a retrospective effect.”
“It is proposed to provide each of the claimants with further decision letters containing a fuller explanation of the reasons for the decision taken in each case”
In essence the monetary reductions of the bandings has been suspended, but the Staffordshire Police is continuing with the implementation of the Regulation 33 process.
Regards Mark Judson [Chairman of Staffordshire NARPO]

Pension Board Meeting 6 December 2017

Pension Board Meeting December2017

Pension Board Meeting 4 July 2017

Staffordshire Police People Services Summary.
1. We have 264 injury benefit pensioners to be reviewed, plus about another 100 who are aged 72+ who will not be reviewed.
2. Of those to be reviewed, 17 are on Band 4, 55 are on Band 3, 107 are on Band 2, 83 are on Band 1 and there are 2 whose current Banding is as yet unknown.
3. Please note, we are reviewing everyone on Band 1. If they declare that they think there is a substantial change in their disablement, their case is forwarded to the SMP for an appointment. Of 4people on Band 1 so far contacted, one is being put forward for examination by the SMP.
4. So far, only one person is likely to be excluded from review due to terminal illness. NARPO is aware of who that person is. Of those to be reviewed, there are some who will not be reviewed if they reach71 years 6 months before their review starts. There are 12 people who will reach that milestone during2017. We write to them informing them of this, and reminding them that they can still have a review if they want one.
5. We began the reviews on 26 April 2017. So far we have started the review process for 13 people. Of these, 3 are completed and 2 have an appointment with the SMP this week.

Kind regards, Mark Judson [Chairman of Staffordshire NARPO]

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