NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Staffs Group Insurance

Staffordshire Police Federation Group Insurance Scheme for

Serving AND RETIRED Officers

On behalf of Staffordshire Police Federation, George Burrows has arranged a group insurance scheme for serving officers, retired officers and their partners. This has been revised from 1st April 2021, please check the cover available to you.

See Staffordshire Police Federation Group Insurance details here

From 1st April 2021 worldwide Travel Insurance is included for retired members up to age 65 years. An additional travel policy can be arranged for that age group that are not in the Group scheme and for those 65 years and over up to age 70 years.  Additional premiums must be paid according to the cover required.

Policy documentation is no longer distributed. However, this can be downloaded from the Staffordshire Police federation website.

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