NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Welcome to NARPO Plymouth

About Plymouth Branch

The branch covers the City of Plymouth and surrounding areas in the South Hams and Dartmoor, and currently has  389  members.

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Royal British Legion Club, Crownhill Plymouth, where there is ample free parking. Coffee is served at these meetings, and meals and a bar service are available. Coach excursions are held during the summer months to local places of interest, together with an annual Christmas lunch.

Branch - Plymouth - Image 1
Branch - Plymouth - Image 2

Further Key Information

Branch Chairman: John Sutton

Deputy Chairman: Peter Norton

Branch Secretary: Sharon Gillard

Branch Treasurer: Vince Bedford


We are pleased to welcome all ex-Police Officers, including non Devon & Cornwall Officers who have retired to this area.

Contact Us

For further information about the Branch please contact Sharon Gillard on:

Email -

Phone - 07754893387

The map location takes you to the Royal British Legion Club, where we meet every month,