NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Find you local Age Cymru

Your local Age Cymru helps with things like befriending, shopping, transport, filling in forms, advocacy, social activities, exercise classes and much more.

Each local Age Cymru partner is an independent charity and together we work in strong partnership to promote the well-being of older people through national and local campaigns, through our political influencing, our health ageing work, by fundraising and through our range of products and services.

Your local Age Cymru partner may not run the exact service you require, but they will be able to signpost to the nearest partner or organisation who does.

Find your local Age Cymru here.


AGE UK  information guides are short and easy to digest, giving an overview of the relevant topic.

We have included the following as an examples of their information guides-

Meddwl am ddiwedd eich oes

Sut allwn ni helpu?

Factsheets are longer with more detail, for those who want more information.

Please visit the AGE Cymru website for further information


End of Life Planning

Thinking about the end of life can be tough, but being well informed can help us stay in control of the way we die. The End of Life Planning service can help you with making a will, power of attorney, financial support and other difficult to deal with situations. For more information follow the link below

What to do when someone dies – what should I do next ¦ Age Cymru (


Project 360

Project 360° was an innovative and extensive national partnership project in which Age Cymru worked alongside veteran’s charity Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members.

About Project 360°
Project achievements
Armed Forces pension
Defence discount card