NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

As members may know, the new UK Police Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire was dedicated by HRH the Prince of Wales in July 2021 following a successful fundraising campaign of which NARPO and its members played a significant part. Families of officers killed, representatives from the Service, policing charities including NARPO, politicians from across the political landscape and major donors and supporters were able to join in what was a truly moving and inspirational day for the Police Service in the UK.

Dedicating the memorial HRH said: ‘In this poignant and moving setting of the National Memorial Arboretum, we dedicate this inspirational Police Memorial, mindful of the lives of almost 5,000 men and women from our police service who have died.’

Most importantly after the ceremony HRH the Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary went on to meet the families of officers who had died, policing charities, plus representatives from across the Police service. You can still view the dedication ceremony and learn more about the Memorial here:

After seven years leading the Police Arboretum Memorial Trust, Sir Hugh Orde, has made the decision to step down as Chair of Trustees, to become a Patron of the Trust. New Chair, Martin Hewitt, Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “Sir Hugh should feel extremely proud that the Service now has a lasting legacy at the Arboretum that commemorates all those from UK policing who have paid that ultimate price.”

Plans for Phase II of the Memorial have now been announced including the construction of brass walls inscribed with the names of some 1,500 police officers and staff who were killed whilst undertaking their lawful duties. Full details of the construction and design of the walls can be found on our website

Phase II of the project will also see further work to develop the Digital Memorial which tells the life stories of the fallen with tributes from friends, colleagues and families . This will be just one part of wider educational plans as we seek to contribute to an appreciation by all citizens of the role of policing in our society. You can see examples Digital Memorial tributes here:

The third and most important part of Phase II is ongoing maintenance. With over 400,000 visitors a year to the Arboretum it will be essential that such an iconic edifice is maintained to the highest standard. The memory of the fallen, the service, and its families deserve no less.

In order to assure the future of the Memorial we are now asking for members of the Policing family to consider remembering the UK Police Memorial in their wills, in memory of their friends and colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice and to ensure that their courage, sacrifice and extraordinary heroism is not forgotten. Your support will be a gift for all time. Your bequest will be placed into a permanent endowment, ensuring that the Memorial remains a fitting tribute to our fallen colleagues today and sadly in the future – forever.

Full details of how to make a legacy are available on our website or if preferred contact Robbie Astick on or 07934 606029 who would be happy to discuss the options available.