NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Members’ Toolkit – General Election 2024

Later Life Ambitions is determined to ensure that the voice of people in later life is heard during the General Election. Our manifesto lays out our vision for a better deal for the 11 million people in later life throughout the UK. From an Older People’s Commissioner to a National Social Care Service, maintaining the Triple Lock State Pension to a delivering a National Housing Strategy, we are focused on issues that impact older people the most. We require bold and forward-looking action from our political leaders to address the challenges that we will all face in the future.

By 2030, there will be almost 13 million people in later life. The issues we face today will also impact on future generations unless today’s policymakers are willing to confront the challenges now.

We need your help to get this message to candidates across the UK and make sure our manifesto is supported and understood.

This user friendly toolkit has been created to help supporters communicate with their local candidates. It includes guidance on how to find out who your local candidates are, how to contact them and tips on what to say.

Our manifesto sets out what we need to get a better deal for older people We want the next Government to:

• Create a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing for England and Scotland to provide a voice for older people.
• Legislate for a National Care Service to be integrated with the NHS that remains free at the point of delivery
• Combat social exclusion and poverty by maintaining long-term access to cash and cash-free withdrawal services, and providing increased support for banks and businesses to develop more accessible tools.
• Maintain the State Pension Triple Lock, protect the State Pension Age and uprate Pension Credit in line with the State Pension.
• Strengthen the Lifetime Homes standard into a National Housing Strategy to provide accessible and affordable housing.
• Increase investment in and uprate concessions for local bus services and improved accessibility for older people.

You can find a copy of the manifesto HERE