NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Hastings & Rother

Hastings & Rother Branch

Welcome to the new Hastings and Rother webpages. Our new Committee has been up and running for a while now and apart from a few early teething problems and we are now able to focus on the important things, such as all the social and welfare issues of the members. 

Branch Info

We hope you like the new look quarterly newsletter. It’s all part of our drive to keep you all more informed. As a new Committee, we all want the same thing - to do more for our members. After all - that is what we are here for and I hope we can achieve our goal by giving far more to you all in the way of communication and also by organising more meet-ups and outings. 

Contact Info

Secretary John Levett Phone: 07554521629 Email :